Sunday, 30 September 2012

روز شنبه 6 اکتبر، روز همبستگی با معلمان در بند

همبستگی و هم صدائی با مادران پارک لاله
روز شنبه 6 اکتبر، روز همبستگی با معلمان در بند
شنبه ششم اکتبرساعت دو تا سه بعد از ظهر

پنج اکتبر روز جهانی معلم، حامیان مادران ،پارک لاله لندن همبستگی و هم صدائی با  "کمپین حمایت از معلمان در بند"
پنج اکتبر مقارن است با روز جهانی معلم، با گرامیداشت یاد و نام فرزاد کمانگر، معلمی که در سال 1385 دستگیر و در سال 1389 اعدام شد ما حامیان مادران ،پارک لاله لندن همصدایی خود را با خانواده های معلمان دربند اعلام می کنیم برخی از معلمان کشور ما به خاطر شرکت در تجمعات صنفی و طرح خواست های صنفی و دموکراسی خواهی شان دربند هستند. به تعدادی ازاین زندانیان حکم اعدام داده اند و این در شرایطی برای معلمان اعمال می شود که اصول 26 و27 قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران عضویت درانجمن های دینی، صنفی وسیاسی را یکی از حقوق اساسی آحاد ملت ایران شناخته و کنوانسیون های بین المللی حقوق بشر نیز که دولت ایران به آنها پیوسته و متعهد اجرای شان شده است، بر این اصول پای می فشارد.
ما حامیان مادران ،پارک لاله لندن از تاریخ 8 تا 14 مهر ماه 1391 برابر با 29 سپتامبر تا 5 اکتبر 2012 هم صدا با مادران پارک لاله با صدای رسا می گوئیم پاسخ تاسیس اتحادیه صنفی نیز زندان نیست، وجای معلم در کلاس درس است نه در زندان ما خواهان ازادی فوری و بی قید و شرط تمامی معلمان در بند هستیم..
حامیان مادران ،پارک لاله لندن برنامه ماه اکتبر را برای اطلاع رسانی از رنج معلمان کشور اختصاص می دهد شاید بتوان از این طریق رنج های معلمان ایرانی را به گوش جهانیان رساند.به همین منظور ایرانیان مقیم لندن، شنبه ششم ماه اکتبر بین ساعت دو تا سه بعداز ظهر جلوی ناشنال گالری لندن با عکس عزیران شما و خواسته های برحق تان (اعدام را بس کنید!. آزادی زندانیان عقیدتی -دستگیری و مجازات قاتلین و مسببین جنایات سی و سه سال اخیر ایران) جمع می شویم
حامیان "مادران عزدار ایران" لندن /انگلستان

Tel: 0044-7952513869
Find us on Face book: mothers. mourning
Saturday:6 October 2012
15.00- 14.00: Time

Location: North Terrace of Trafalgar Square (in front of the National Gallery) Nearest Tube Charring Cross: Bakerloo and Northern line 

In Solidarity with Mourning Mothers of Iran (Mothers of Laleh Park)

This month’s event is in solidarity with Teacher,s in prison

With the beginning of the academic year, let’s be the voice of the sufferings of Iranian teachers in prison
Although the dimensions of human rights violation in Iran is day by day increasing and the list of different kinds of this violation is very long,  yet the violation of teachers' rights , due to the important role they have to make up the future of the society, seems to be more dangerous for this country.
Increasing the intensity and the expansion of violence against teachers imposed by the security and judicial organizations and trying to cover up their trade and economic problems and show up their trade activities as threats to the society, as well as illegal confrontations with teachers' trade unions, have caused considerable worries which require serious attention by educational and human rights organizations.
In this regard, with the beginning of the educational year in Iran and on the threshold of the Teachers' Day on October 5th, it seems necessary to pay sole attention to the violation of teachers' rights specially the evident violation of human rights against the civil and trade activists in this field.
Concerning the importance of this fact and with great respect to Farzad Kamangar, the teacher who was arrested in 2006 and executed in 2010, here we just mention the detentions of teachers since 2009. Beside these detentions, hundreds of verdicts of dismissal, exile, official deprivation after trade demonstrations in 2006 and 2007 were issued by the Disciplinary Violations Board of Ministry of Education in different provinces in Iran and this process continues to this very moment. It must also be mentioned that trade activities of teachers have been illegally interrupted throughout the country.
Moreover, the economic and trade problems of  the teachers in Iran have been increased so much that not only the promised wage raise has not been performed but by issuing various circulars, the wages  have also been reduced in different cities.                           
Pressures due to the verdicts of dismissal, imprisonment and even execution have been imposed on teachers in spite of the fact that according to the Articles 26 and 27 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, membership in different religious, trade and political communities have been considered as a basic right for Iranian people and the international human rights conventions which Iranian government has joined, also insist on it.        
But it seems that governmental officials in Iran do not feel responsible for their international commitments as well as the national laws of their own country, because demanding the basic rights and even appointments with Parliament deputies have led to violent confrontations between the activists and the security and the judicial officials who have shown up the teachers' legitimate demands as threats to the society and have opened files for them on these cases in the Islamic Revolutionary Court.
Therefore, on the threshold of the academic year in Iran and insisting on the importance of the national and international commitments for which the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible and emphasizing the reasonable demands of the teachers, we invite all civil activists in the world to be the voice of the Iranian teachers' pains and sufferings specially the pains and sufferings of those who are now in the prisons of Iran. To manifest these violated rights to the world, we demand all human rights activists to act in any possible way.
A.    Detention of teachers
The list below is not complete because there are also teachers who refused to give us information due to the security problems they have been imposed by the governmental officials.

Present status
Issued conviction
Detention period
Time and place of arrest
In prison expecting his conviction and recently dismissed definitely by Disciplinary Violation Board

Alireza Ghanbari
In prison expecting appealing

Hashem Shabani-nejad
In prison expecting appeaing

Hadi Rashedi
Spending his
Conviction in
5 years of imprisonment
And 4000 dollars penalty for demonstrations in 2006

Mohammad Davari
Spending his conviction in prison
6 years of imprisonment and 5 years deprivation of social activities and definite dismissal by the Disciplinary Violations Board

Rassool Bodaghi
Spending his conviction in prison
4 years and 11 months of imprisonment

Abdolah Momeni
in  prison, his conviction remised 5 years on Feast of Ramathan
9 and half years of definite imprisonment
About a month ago

Mahmood Bagheri
Spending his conviction
10 years of imprisonment and exile in Zahedan

Mohamadali Agooshi
Retired teacher
Open file case

Less than a week
Shahoo Hosseini
Open file case

Arrest while teaching
Abdolvahed Maroofzadeh
Open file case

22/12/2012 Bookan
Molood Khanchehzard
Open file case

Less than a week
02/07/2012 Sarab
Ali Besharati
Open file case

January 2012 Marivan
Mozafar Sharifi
Open file case

January 2012 Marivan
Razgar Sharifi
Open file case

63 days
Aliakbar Baghani
Open file case

About 1 month
Mahmood Beheshti Langroodi
After 6 months was conditionally released, 5 years of exile in Lorestan
1 year of imprisonment

Nabiolah Bastan
Open file case

Mokhtar Assadi
Released after spending his conviction but now facing other  charges
2 years of imprisonment

Hashem Khastar
Open file case

20/02/2012 Shahriyar
Amir Yaghinloo
Open file case

about 2 months
Mars 2011 Saghez
Mohamad- jamal Hiki
Open file case
10 years of suspended  imprisonment in  the initial court
44 days
Esmaeel Abdi
Open file case

Alireza Hashemi
Finished his Conviction on 23/05/2012
1 year of definite imprisonment

Ali Poorsoleiman
Open file case

12 days
16/07/2009 Zanjan
Ahmad Medadi
Open file case

About 20 days
June 2009
Bagher Fathali Beigi
Open file case

December 2010
Zahra Hatami
Open file case
6 months of suspended imprisonment

May 2010
Ali Najafi
Open file case
6 months of suspended imprisonment
Less than a week
May 2010
Asghar Mohamadkhani
Open file case
1 year of suspended imprisonment
Less than a week
May 2010
Sayeed Jahanara
Open file case

More than 80 days
Eliass Talebi
Open file case
6 years of imprisonment and 5 years of exile in Tabass

Mohsen Jeldyani
Open file case

About 6 months
Jafar Ebrahimi Aznadaryani
Open file case
2 years of suspended imprisonment and 91 days definite

Tofigh Mortezapoor
Open file case

Avril 2010
Mohamad Farajian
Open file case

Less than a week
Mohamad ali Shirazi
Open file case

Less than a week
Massomeh Dehghan (retired teacher)
Open file case
18 months of definite imprisonment

Hossein Toroghi Jafari
Open file case

3 weeks
Mohamadreza Rezayee Gorgani

B.     Summons of teachers to security, judicial and police organizations
Beside the detentions which were mentioned above, a great number of teachers have been summoned to security, judicial and police organizations and have been interrogated, threatened or faced judicial convictions. Some of these cases will be mentioned below as examples:
Siyavash Eslami, a member of Teachers' Society in the city of Sari due to his participation in the demonstrations aftermath the presidential elections in 2009, was sentenced to one year in prison and 76 lashes on charges of violating the security of the society. The conviction was reduced to 37 lashes in the appealing court.      
      Mohamad-ali Hassan Shirazi, Mansoor Mirzayee, Mohamad Javad  Hessami, Ahmad Changizi, Mohamad-ali Shahedi, Ramazan-ali Nejati, Mohamad-mahdi Sedighi, Mohamad-hossein Dehghanpoor and Ali Ghoochani, members of the Teachers' Society in the city of Yazd were all sentenced to prisons by the Branch 1 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court In Yazd, on different charges of anti- government propaganda, illegal activities such as lectures, forming up meetings, gathering and issuing statements and provoking other teachers to start a strike and closing up the classes. Their convictions have been suspended for 5 years.  
Bahedin Maleki, Ramin Zandnia, Ali Ghorishi, Mokhtar Assadi, Peiman Nodinian, heidar Zaman, Reza Hatami, Kamal Fakoorian, Mostafa Sarbazan, Mohamad- sedigh Sadeghi, Hiva Ahmadi, Ezatolah Nosrati, and Parviz Nassehi were all summoned, interrogated and threatened by the security officials In the province of Kurdistan on May 2nd , 2012. These people were all summoned to the Branch 5 of the Inquiry Office for their last defenses.
On 23rd  of May 2010, Mohamad- mahdi Sedighi, a member of trade society of teachers in the city of Yazd, was summoned to the Security and Intelligence office of Sepah and was interrogated until 11 o'clock in the evening the same day.
Mohamad Tavakoli, member of Teachers Trade Society in the city of Kermanshah was summoned and threatened to detention on 11th of August, 2012.

  On June 13th 2012, Abass Nazari, a school teacher in the city of Ahar was also      summoned to the Third Branch of the Islamic and revolutionary Court in the City of Tabriz.
Campaign to Support Imprisoned Teachers